Most people understand the common challenges children and families face once diagnosed with ADHD. They struggle to pay attention, fidget, fall behind in school and sometimes lack typical social skills for their age group. However, ADHD – along with many other diagnoses – manifests itself physically, causing potential harm to children that are not so easy to spot.
Dr. Greg Grillo, DDS explains in THIS resource guide how ADHD affects dental care and strategies to prevent ongoing dental issues. As pediatric occupational therapists, we partner with pediatricians because parents oftentimes go to their trusted doctors before learning about occupational therapy for ADHD, developmental delays, social issues, etc. We applaud doctors and dentists, like Dr. Grillo, who understand that behavior and physical maladies often expose themselves in tandem.
Back to school season, school physicals and dental appointments are an ideal time to openly discuss any physical or emotional struggles your child is experiencing with their doctors. As this article proves, there are multiple approaches to any problem and your health care professionals can help guide you through.