Truly listening, watching as they interact with one another and their surroundings, and helping them react positively to what they find are a few of the things that make working with children a joy. The Mister Rogers’ Neighbor documentary, Won’t You Be My Neighbor reminds us that WE are enough.
When it comes to engaging with children; occupational therapists, teachers, or parents don’t need silly hats or cheap tricks. We just need to be present and let children’s brains develop through exploration. Mr. Rogers’ story is reinvigorating those of us who are fortunate to work with children each day. And, it has opened the world’s eyes again to how meaningful small interactions can be when we truly listen.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor is receiving rave reviews from audiences of all ages, some of whom did not know Mr. Rogers in their own childhood. In this age of social issues, anxiety and bullying, his simple message of treating each other with kindness, above all else, is one everyone needs to hear. See the film – it fills your heart with love.